
Service administrative support, customer support

Complex care of a client is our business priority.

Apart from the sale itself, guarantee and after guarantee service we have worked out the system of communication with a client:

  • Service number – a direct contact to our assistant of service in case of malfunction
  • Advisory service – if a client faces any problem with the product, he can consult it straight away with our service department
  • Lending tools and instruments to bridge the service period – we have a wide range of instruments and tools at our disposal in our store which are ready to be used
  • Our product portfolio includes only the highest quality ranked suppliers
  • The service technicians execute regular service check-ups, by which we prevent malfunction of units
  • We provide in-training of the staff when we deliver instruments, all according to client needs
  • We broadened the number of external technicians operating in particular regions
  • The service department has the newest technology at disposal
  • Our technicians take part in regular field trainings at home and abroad

We are the bearers of ISO 9001:2008 which binds us to higher quality work and more detailed entrance and output inspection.